2019/11/06 12:19

Making your original goods(2)オリジナルグッツの作成


2019/04/09 08:36


TANIKIDO on the print (online appárel shop)DJ.Plugmatics official website

2019/02/24 08:19

Making your original goods

You can make your original goods using photos in this shop.But please be careful that You may not use the material for commercial purposes.Here are some examples.https://www.zazzle.co.jp/tanik...

2019/02/24 08:04

examples of usage videos

You can also use videos in VR !Please check this site.https://gallery.styly.cc/creator/DJPlugmatics#myscene

2017/10/08 10:02

Art Gallery

You can make your original artworks using photos and videos selling in this shop.Here is an example of the artworks.     http://dj.plugmatics.inaka21.net/photo-gallery-october-2017/h...

2017/03/23 18:46

Digital Photo Frame

We recommend for you to use these photo in digital photo frame !Digital photo frame set is preparing for you!写真はデジタルフォトフレームでの使用がお勧めです。デジタルフォトフレームセットも用意して...

2017/03/23 18:44

Post cards・message cards

You can use our large size photo (high quality photo ) to trim and zoom.You may edit it as a post cards or message cards. 高画質写真はトリムやズームも可能です。メッセージカードなどへの加工もできま...

2017/03/23 16:32

Edit example :Noir

You may edit our large size photos like this (noir style).「ノアール」スタイルで写真を加工した例です。

2017/03/23 16:27

Edit example : chrome and wide

You can also edit our large size photo as chrome style.「クローム」スタイルで加工した例です。

2017/03/23 16:24

Edit example : Instant photo style

Instant photo style too.「インスタント」写真スタイルで加工してみました。